Follow the Art is a cinematic documentary that explores the life and art of Tom Woodruff. As a teaching artist, he found a way to share his love for art and adventure through storytelling and interactive art projects with students throughout Michigan schools. This film traces his life journey from being a street artist, sailor, and merchant seaman, to a stained glass artist, muralist, children's book illustrator, and art educator of 35 + years. This documentary is his way of giving thanks to those who have inspired him, and the many he has inspired along the way.
Lydia Woodruff - Daughter/ Director/Producer
“It has always been a dream of mine to create a documentary about my dad's life! It all started with a timeline I created when I was in fifth grade that detailed his life in photos and text. Throughout the years I’ve captured his stories, videos, and candid moments on camera knowing that one day it would all come together. Now is that time. It's incredible to see what he has accomplished in his life, and how much of an impact he has had on the world around him. He is an inspiration, and we are so excited to share his journey with you all!"